Entertainment Approval Guidelines

Guidelines for Approving Entertainment Expenses

Since UC Berkeley is a publicly supported institution, funds for entertainment should be spent prudently.

Read the guidelines below before approving entertainment expenses.

Weighing the Benefits to UC Berkeley

Evaluate the entertainment to ensure that the anticipated benefits outweigh the costs. You might want to explore alternatives to entertainment that would be equally effective in accomplishing the desired objectives.

Occasions and Expenses

Not all occasions qualify as official entertainment. Review a summary of allowable expenses and occasions before authorizing the entertainment to ensure that the expenses are allowable.


When pre-approving entertainment, keep in mind that some fund sources may not allow entertainment expenditures. Verify that funds are available to cover entertainment expenses before you approve the occasion.

Appropriate Amounts

Entertainment expenses should not exceed the per-person maximum allowance for the meal type. The maximum includes tax and tip but does not include a facility or room rental fees. These fees can be claimed as an additional expense.


The Entertainment Purchase Order requires multiple signatures. Verify that all necessary signatures have been acquired:

  • Host's signature/certification
  • Approval for authorization signature: the signature of the person who has been delegated the authority to authorize entertainment

Exceptional Entertainment Approval

The Chancellor's or designee's signature when the entertainment is exceptional.