Maximum Meal Expenses


If you entertain guests as a matter of official UC Berkeley business, read the guidelines below for details about the per-person maximum allowable expense for meals.

The maximum amount per person that can be reimbursed for allowable entertainment occasions varies depending on the type of meal served.

These rates are governed by UC Business Policy 79 and were updated in 2021.

Maximum Per Person Amounts by Meal Type

Below are the maximum per person amounts allowed based on meal type effective on or after July 1, 2022.







Light Refreshment


Note: these amounts include the cost of food and beverages, labor, sales tax, service and delivery charges. The cost of room rental, room set-up fees, media rental, and decorations, etc., are not included in the per-person costs unless these costs cannot be separated by the vendor.

Exceptional Entertainment Expenses

When an entertainment expense exceeds the per-person maximum provided in the chart above, the entertainment is considered exceptional. Exceptional entertainment cannot be charged against State and Federal funds. Exceptional entertainment also requires vice chancellor approval.

Important: In some cases, the vice chancellor of your area may have delegated the authority to approve exceptional entertainment to a department chair or other person.


You must submit original, itemized receipts along with the Entertainment Purchase Order in order to receive reimbursement for entertainment expenses. The receipts must identify both food and beverage charges.