Tax Reporting
Tax Reporting Contacts - Please refer to the Tax Reporting Contacts page for tax reporting contacts for various tax forms handled by the university including but not limited to W-2, W-9, 1042S, 592B, 1098-T, 1099 forms, etc.

Accounts Payable and Travel
Address: 1608 Fourth Street, Suite 201, MC 1101, Berkeley CA 94710-1749
- Supplier inquiries - disburse@berkeley.edu
- Travel and Entertainment inquiries - travel@berkeley.edu
- Purchase orders, requisitions, and voucher questions - bearbuyhelp@berkeley.edu or 510-664-9000 (options 1, then 2)
- Travel Office - travel@berkeley.edu

Accounts Receivable
Address: 2610 Channing Way Rm 228 MC#1111, Berkeley, CA 94720
- Nonstudent inquiries - nonstu_ar@berkeley.edu
- Student loan inquiries - accountconsultants@berkeley.edu
- Third-party contracts - tpcsupport@berkeley.edu
- Student inquiries - Cal Student Central Services and Areas of Support

Berkeley Financial System (BFS)
BFS inquiries - bfs@berkeley.edu or 510-664-9000 (options 1, then 2)

Contracts and Grants Accounting
Address: 1608 Fourth Street, Suite 201, MC 1103, Berkeley, CA 94710-1749
- General inquiries - cgaawards@berkeley.edu or 510-643-4246
- ERS and late payroll cost transfers - cgahelp@berkeley.edu
- Intercampus Awards for CGA - cga_ar_help@berkeley.edu
- CGA Accounts Receivable - cga_receivables@berkeley.edu

Cash Handling and Banking Services
Address: 2610 Channing Way Rm 228 MC#1111, Berkeley, CA 94720
- Cashiers Office - cashiers@berkeley.edu or 510-643-9803
- Credit card merchant support - merchantsupport@berkeley.edu
- Incoming electronic payments (wires and ACH) - bankwires@berkeley.edu

Financial Accounting and Controls
Address: 1608 Fourth Street, Suite 201, MC 1102, Berkeley CA 94710-1749
- General accounting inquiries, division key controls, external audit - gao@berkeley.edu
- UCPath GL inquiries - controllers_UCPath@berkeley.edu
- Intercampus financial transactions - financialcontrol@berkeley.edu
- Intercampus transfer of funds (ITOF) - ITOF@berkeley.edu
- Plant Accounting - plant-accounting@berkeley.edu

Payroll Policy and Controls
Address: 1608 Fourth Street, Suite 201, MC 1104, Berkeley CA 94710-1749
Payroll Inquiries
- Email - payhelp@berkeley.edu
- Phone - 510-642-1336
- Fax - 510-643-9339
Customer Service Hours
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
CalTime Timekeeping
Nonresident Tax and Glacier Admin

Immediate Office
Address: 1608 Fourth Street, Suite 201, MC 1108, Berkeley CA 94710-1749
General Inquiries and Requests
If the listed email contacts do not address your topic, controller@berkeley.edu may be used for general inquiries and requests.