Interlocation Transfer of Funds


For Non-Contract and Grant funds, transfers of resources between UC campuses (or locations) are processed in the Interlocation Transfer of Funds system (ITF).

UCOP has implemented the new ITF system. Effective August 25, 2023, the campus that is sending the funds must initiate the transfer by using the new ITF Template. (Please note that UFIN 1520 Form can no longer be used) New Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) information needs to be entered into the template.

The process is as follows:

  1. Department (or unit) initiates request by completing the ITF Template.
  2. The completed ITF Template must be approved by the Authorized Department Person and submitted to sends e-mail). Note: Unlike UFIN 1520 Form, there is no approvals section within the ITF Template. When you submit a request to sends e-mail), please cc the approver and clearly mention “cc’ing the Authorized Department Approver XXXX who has reviewed and approved this request”.
  3. Financial Accounting and Controls Department reviews the request and enters the transfer in the Interlocation Transfer of Funds system for approval by OP. Note: Requests received after the monthly deadline will be entered in the system in the following month.
  4. Financial Accounting and Controls Department prepares and posts corresponding financial journals.

Instructions for Filling Out the ITF Template

There are two fields in the header section of the template.

1. Subject Line: Please specify which campus you are transferring the funding to (e.g., “UCB Transfer to UCOP”).

2. Explanation: Fully explain why the funding is being transferred and add any other information as needed. There is a limit of 500 characters to this field (including spaces).

For each transfer, the following 4 lines need to be entered.

  • Line 1: Expense line for UCB (Dr.)
  • Line 2: Expense line for the receiving campus (Cr.)
  • Line 3: Revenue line for UCB (Cr.)
  • Line 4: Revenue line for the receiving campus (Dr.)

For Lines 1 and 3, please refer to the following instructions. For Lines 2 and 4, request the CCOA chartfield information from the receiving campus.

  • Entity Level C: Choose the one based on where you are transferring the funding from and enter it into the template.
    • 1111 - UCB Campus
    • 1141 - UCB UCOP

Note: Lines 1 and 3 need to have the same Entity Level C code.

  • Account Level E: For Line 1 (UCB Expense line), choose the CCOA Level E Account from the list below based on the campus that you are making the transfer to (or receiving the transfer from).
Transfer to/from CampusAccount Level E
UCSF 98002A
UCD 98003A
UCLA 98004A
UCR 98005A
UCSD 98006A
UCSC 98007A
UCSB 98008A
UCI 98009A
UCM 98010A
UCOP 98011A

For Line 3 (UCB Revenue line), choose the CCOA Level E Account from the list below based on the fund type you are transferring.

Fund TypeAccount Level E
State General Fund (19xxx) 41010A
Special State Appropriations (18xxx) 41119A
Federal Appropriations (210xx) 42000A
All other funds 48198A
  • Fund Level D and Fund Level C: Use the UCB-CCOA Funds list to determine the CCOA Funds (Level D and Level C) and enter into the template.

Note: CCOA Level D Fund is the local fund value and the same as BFS Fund code for Berkeley. CCOA Level C Fund is the common value across the UC system and should be the same code for both sending and receiving campuses.

  • Function Code: Choose the CCOA Function Code from the table below:
Function CodeDescription
40 Instruction and Departmental Research
41 Summer Session
43 Academic Support
44 Organized and Sponsored Research
60 Libraries
61 University Extension
62 Public Service
64 Maintenance and Operation of Plant
68 Student Services
72 Institutional Support and General Admin
78 Student Financial Aid
80 Provisions for Allocations
00 No Function

Note: Line 3 (UCB Revenue line) always uses Function Code “00”.

Note: Cross function is not allowed for Special State Appropriations (18xxx) transfers.

  • Department: CCOA Department code for UCB is “00” followed by the 5-digit BFS Dept ID. For example, if your BFS Dept ID is 32545, enter “0032545” into the template.
  • Project: Optional field. Leave it blank if no project code is used.
  • Program: Optional field. Leave it blank (UCB uses specific BFS CF1 codes for mapping to CCOA Program. See below about where to enter BFS CF1).
  • GLTransfer From (DR.) and GL Transfer To (CR.): Enter the Actuals amount to be transferred.
  • Perm. Trf. From (DR.) and Perm. Trf. To (CR.): Enter the amount for Perm Budget transfer if applicable.
  • Description: Enter Local chartstring of the transfer.
  • Campus Comments: Optional field. Enter comments as needed.
  • Flex 1: This field should only be used to enter CF1 code of UCB local chartstring. The value entered in this field will be populated when the BFS journal is generated if an exactly matching active CF1 code exists in BFS. Enter “Blank” if no CF1 is used.
  • Flex 2: This field should only be used to enter CF2 code of UCB local chartstring. The value entered in this field will be populated when the BFS journal is generated if an exactly matching active CF2 code exists in BFS. Enter “Blank” if no CF2 is used.

Receiving Transfers from Other Campuses

The campus that initiates a transfer to your department or unit will ask you to provide the CCOA chartfield information for the UCB lines to complete the ITF Template (same as what UCB uses). Refer to the instructions provided on this page to provide the requested information.

For instructions in PDF format, see ITF Template Instructions.