At this time, the CGA analyst will create a description based on the chartfiled combinations that indicate a new project should be created. For example:
- Additional PI
- Award number 2nd PI Last Name
- Example: 123456 2nd PI Sailor
- Award number 2nd PI Last Name
- Different Task
- Award number Task 1 PI Last Name if applicable
- Example: 123456 Task 1 Sailor
- Award number Task 1 PI Last Name if applicable
- Fabrication
- Award number FAB Plant Fund number
- Example: 123456 FAB 12345
- Award number FAB Plant Fund number
- F&A
- Award number F&A Rate 1
- Example: 123456 F&A Rate 1
- Award number F&A Rate 1
Currently we are unable to include a description field in the budget template. We are researching how this might be accomplished.