Information on Journals Not Posted at Period End

With the May 2021 BFS upgrade, journal preparers will no longer receive the warning message "You are restricted from adding journals for this accounting period" when creating a journal after the period end cut-off date. The journals can be created and approved after the period cut-off date (and before the period is closed), and no warning will be issued. However, the journal cannot be posted using the journal lines, and will also not post to the general ledger via the nightly system batch process.

Journals that were created and/or approved after the cut-off but have not posted can be viewed in the UC GL WorkCenter page in BFS, see instructions below on to access this page.

Unposted journals for a previous period can be copied with a future date and submitted for approval. Please make sure to delete all outstanding journals in previous periods.

If you have any questions, please email

To navigate to the UC GL WorkCenter from the BFS home menu screen, select the tile General Ledger:

Image of BFS Home Screen showing the General Ledger tile

From the left menu column select UC GL WorkCenter:

Image of left menu with UC GL WorkCenter tab

Navigate to page "Journals Not Yet Posted at Period End". The item will appear in red font until filter values are set-up. Filters can be set by using the "Edit Filters" link.

Image shows "Edit Filters" button

Select the red pencil icon to edit the filters for "Journals Not Yet Posted at Period End".

Image showing red pencil icon to edit filters

To configure the filter for ACTUALS journals:

Business Unit = 10000/J0000

Ledger Group = ACTUALS

Fiscal Year = 20xx

Source = enter your department journal source code, or select the search icon to lookup the source code.

Image shows menu to change filter values
Image of page with Look Up Values

After you refresh the page, you should be able to see the unposted journals for the journal source specified in the filter.  To refresh, select the reload icon on the top menu tab for My Work. 

Image of refresh icon on top menu bar for My Work