Submitting a Reimbursement for Travel Expenses in the Reimbursement System


1. Log In to the Reimbursement System

2. Select 'Create New'

  • Select 'Create New' in the Travel System section on the Reimbursement Home page
  • This will take you to the General Instructions page
    • This page provides details on what to do before you begin, as well as information on completing the report
  • Click the 'Let's Begin' button

3. Enter the Traveler Information

  • Your name, vendor ID, and email will be automatically populated
  • Choose your Home Department and Preferred Approver from the drop-down lists in the Department Info section

4. Enter the Trip Details

  • A TRV number will be automatically generated for your report
  • Enter a brief business purpose for the trip
  • Enter your trip length, departure, and return information

5. Enter the Location Expenses

  • Enter your transportation information by selecting from a list of commonly used Transportation Types and entering your flight, vehicle, and/or ground transportation information
  • Indicate if your airfare was Direct Bill
  • Enter any miscellaneous expenses
  • Please note that receipts are required for airfare, rental cars, and lodging, as well as any expense over $75

6. Indicate any Special Circumstances

  • Indicate if you have any special circumstances
  • Indicate if you need to report special circumstances related to meal expenses for others or lodging
  • Indicate if you need to report special circumstances related to mixed business and personal days, transportation, airfare, group travel, or expenses paid by a third party
  • If you are indicating special circumstances, write a brief explanation in the 'Enter explanation' input field
  • Click the 'Save and Continue' button

7. Detail any Daily Expenses

  • Enter your daily expenses, and the system will automatically calculate the totals
  • If you have indicated that you have special circumstances, you will be able to fill out your expenses for your special circumstances
  • If you selected per diem, it will show a breakdown of the daily rate, the number of days in the trip, and then the total amount, including when there are partial days

8. Enter your Account Information

  • Choose your account type from a drop-down list, and then populate the chartstring
  • Once you populate a chartstring, it will be saved so you can re-use it later

9. Submit your Reimbursement Request

  • If you have not already submitted your receipts, you can submit them now in one of two ways:
    • Click the 'Upload Receipts' button and upload your receipts to the travel report
    • Email your receipts to
      • It is important that the subject line of the email include the TRV number in the required format, which is the full 12 digit TRV report ID and the traveler's last name in all capitals
        • For example: TRV000456789SMITH
    • If you need help, click the 'See Instructions' link on this page
  • Click the 'Submit report to Home Department Approver' button when your report is complete
  • Click the 'Save this report submit later' button to save the report and submit it later