Onboarding Overview
In order to use a new supplier, the university must first vet and approve the supplier. The Vendoring Team will verify certain details such as the supplier's address and IRS information to ensure that the university can use the supplier.
The onboarding process allows Berkeley Financial System (BFS) users that need to procure goods or services a way to register a new supplier, and to have the supplier approved for purchases.
The onboarding process allows UC Berkeley to have a common, online method to audit supplier entry and approvals.
The Onboarding Process
- The BFS invitation user verifies that the supplier does not already exist in BFS via the Review Suppliers page
- The BFS invitation user triggers an invitation email to the prospective supplier via the Manage Invitations page
- The email will contain a unique access code and expiration date for this invitation
- Invitations are valid for 30 days
- If the supplier has not begun the registration within 30 days and still wishes to create a registration, they will need to have the invitation be re-sent to them
- The supplier contact follows the instructions and enters their information using an online form
- The supplier submits the form for approval, and a confirmation email is sent to the contact
- The UC Berkeley Vendoring Team will conduct the necessary vetting of the supplier, and afterwards will send an email to the supplier for one of the following reasons:
- Approval
- Request for More Information
- Denial
- Both the UC Berkeley contact and the inviter will receive an email when the supplier is sent to Bear Buy and is ready for use on purchases
- The BFS user can check the status of an invitation at any time via the View History page
Navigating BFS
There are 3 pages in BFS that the invitation users will need to access:
- Review Suppliers
- This is where you can verify that the supplier does not already exist in BFS
- Manage Invitations
- This is where you can send an invitation email to the prospective supplier
- View History
- This is where you can check the status of an existing supplier registration request
To access these 3 pages, click the 'Supplier Registration' tile button from the BFS home page.
This will bring you to the Supplier Registration page, where you can navigate to these 3 pages from the menu on the left.
The Supplier Registration page is also where you can manage your supplier invitations.
Review Suppliers page
The Review Suppliers page is where you can search for existing suppliers and verify that the supplier does not already exist in BFS.
Searching for Existing Suppliers
To search for existing suppliers, enter any information you know on the Review Suppliers page and click search. Duplicate Suppliers in the system are a big issue, and we would like to minimize this as much as possible. If you search for a Supplier and do not find it, you can continue to the Manage Invitations process.
Key Fields
These are the key fields to use in searching for existing suppliers (all fields are optional):
- The SetID should default to 10000, but if not, enter 10000
- For supplier registration, we are only processing suppliers for the 10000 business unit
- Please do not use the supplier onboarding process for any employees or students which are for use in the EM000 and ST000 business units
- Our recommendation is to choose ‘Contains’ in the drop down menu, and enter any part of the supplier name
ID Type
- If you have the supplier's EIN or SSN, you can choose 'Tax Identification Number' in the 'ID Type' drop down menu and enter the number
- This is a good way to see if the supplier is already in the system
If you find your supplier using this screen, please check the 'Additional Supplier info' tab. The supplier must be in 'Approved' status in order to be used on a requisition, PO, or voucher. If the status is not in 'Approved' status, please contact the Vendoring Team at vendoring@berkeley.edu to help update the supplier if needed.
Manage Invitations page
If you did not find your supplier in the BFS system, you can then send them an email invitation via the Manage Invitations page.
The Manage Invitations page is where you can manage your supplier invitations, including adding invitations, naming invitations, sending invitations, and choosing appropriate supplier Template IDs.
Adding Invitations
To add an invitation from the Manage Invitations page, click the 'Add a New Value' tab.
Naming Invitations
Our recommendation is that you create your own Invitation IDs with the following naming convention:
- 'Your Org Node' 'Your Initials' 'Supplier Request Template'
For example, if you are Kelly C, you work in an org node FJPPS, and you want to send an invitation to a domestic (US based) supplier, you would create the following Invitation ID:
Create additional Invitation IDs as needed for any other request types applicable to your business needs.
Please note:
- Each Invitation ID is for one specific Supplier Template ID
- When naming your invitation, it is best to understand which Template ID to use
Other Examples (only create those that you need)
You can now use the Invitation IDs you have created for any future domestic suppliers. Just search for Invitation IDs that begin with FJPPS or FJPPS_KC, for example, to find any that have already been created for your Org node.
Sending Invitations
From the Sending Invitations page, enter the data as below. This will be saved for subsequent invitations.
Invitation ID
- Use the suggested naming convention so you can locate your Invitations easily
- Any description that helps you identify the invitation
Request Type
- Only Register New Supplier is being used and will be defaulted for you
Supplier Request Template ID
- See Supplier Request Template IDs below for the value to enter
- Check the box for the Supplier or Suppliers you want to send an email
Company Name
- Enter the Company’s name
- The Supplier will be able to change this during registration if needed
Contact Name
- Enter your contact’s name
- The Supplier will be able to change this during registration if needed
Contact Email
- Enter the email address to send the invitation
Additional suppliers
- Click the '+' button to add a new row for each supplier you want to send an invitation to
- Save the page for later
Save and Send
- Save the page and send an invitation email to the selected suppliers
After Sending Invitations
- After clicking the 'Save and Send' button, an email will be sent to the email specified
- All entry fields will be immediately grayed out for this line
- You cannot modify an invitation once it has been sent
- Send will be initially available
- Check the box and click 'Save and Send' to re-send the invitation to the current email if needed
- This is only available until the supplier has registered
- After the supplier has registered, the 'Send' box will be grayed out
- Check the box and click 'Save and Send' to re-send the invitation to the current email if needed
- If the email or any other information is not correct, you will need to click the '+' button to add a new row to which to send an invitation
- You can only have an email ID listed once per invitation
- Create and/or use a different invitation to send a second invitation to an email that has already been used
- Click the 'Envelope' button to access details for this invitation
Expiration Date
- This is set to 30 days from the date the invitation was sent
- The supplier must save or submit their registration within 30 days, or they will need a new or re-sent invitation
Access Code
- Unique code for this invitation only that the supplier will need to enter to create a registration
Supplier Request Template IDs
These are different Template IDs developed to gather the information needed to onboard different types of suppliers. Please use this guidance to determine which type of Template ID you should send to a specific supplier.
Important: Only send the supplier one invitation, even if they fit more than one category. Please follow the rules below to choose the correct template.
Detailed job aids are linked for each Template ID below. The job aids include all the data elements a supplier will need to provide for each type. The suppliers will receive these links in their invitation email.
Foreign Supplier
- Use for any non-US based supplier, individual, or company, regardless of any other factor
- A non-US based supplier is one that is a Foreign National or entity that has a foreign address
Stipend and Honorarium Supplier
- Use for any US based individual that is receiving a Stipend, Honorarium, or other prize and/or award
Refund Supplier
- Use for any US based individual that is requesting a one-time refund or a non-employee expense reimbursement
Human Subject Supplier
- Use for any US based individual who will be paid to participate in a human research study
Domestic Supplier
- Use for any US based supplier, individual, or company that does not fit into any of the other categories
- US based suppliers include all territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.
Which Template ID to Use
Please use these questions as a guide to help determine which Template ID to use if you need a new suppler:
- Does the supplier have a foreign address?
- If Yes: Use the Foreign Supplier Template ID
- Is the supplier receiving a Stipend, Honorarium, or Award?
- If Yes: Use the Stipend and Honorarium Supplier Template ID
- Is the supplier receiving a Refund?
- If Yes: Use the Refund Supplier Template ID
- Is the supplier part of a Human Subject project?
- If Yes: Use the Human Subject Supplier Template ID
- If No to any of these questions: Use the Domestic Supplier Template ID
Please note: If a supplier is going to be a permanent supplier (US Based) and will be used for multiple transactions going forward, use Domestic Supplier Template ID even if their current purpose is one of the other categories. The Domestic Supplier Template ID requires the most information, but also allows the supplier the most functionality.
View History page
Searching for Supplier Registrations
Once a supplier invitation has been sent, you can check the status from the View History page. Enter any criteria you want and click the 'Search' button. If there is a Supplier ID, it means that the supplier has been created in BFS.
Enter data in these fields to refine your search results:
Request Type
- Only 'Register New Suppliers' is currently implemented
Approval Status
This status indicates where the registration is within the approval process.
Please note: UC Berkeley does not use every status.
- Draft
- The supplier has started the registration process and it has been saved for later
- Pending Approval
- The supplier has completed the registration process and has submitted it to the Vendoring Team for approval
- Request More Information
- The Vendoring Team has contacted the supplier for additional information needed to approve and complete the supplier creation
- Rejected
- The Vendoring Team has denied the supplier and the supplier will not be available for purchasing
- Approved
- The Vendoring Team has approved the supplier registration
- There may be a short delay before the supplier is sent to Bear Buy
Registration ID
- System generated number when a supplier saves their registration
- 10000 is the only valid value
Supplier ID
- System generated number created when the Vendoring Team approves the registration
- This will only be present after approval
Bidder ID
- Not used at this time
Date From and Date To
- The date that the invitations and registration were created must fall between these dates
- The default goes back only 30 days, so you may need to move the date further back to see your supplier
Reason Code
- Not used at this time
- Enter all or part of the company and/or supplier name
- This field is case sensitive, but will find partial strings
- For example, type 'Berkeley' to find all suppliers with 'Berkeley' in their name
Contact Name
- Enter all or part of the supplier contact name to search
- This field is case sensitive, but will find partial strings
- For example, type 'Smith' to find all supplier contacts with 'Smith' in their name
Invitation ID
- Enter all or part of the Invitation ID to search
- This field is case sensitive, so please be sure to always enter all capitals
- For example, type 'FJPPS' to find all supplier invitations containing 'FJPPS'
- If you include your Org Node in your Invitation IDs, which is recommended, you can enter your Org Node to find only the suppliers your Org has invited
Invitation ID
- The Invitation ID used to send the invitation
Registration ID
- After sending the invitation, the status will be listed as 'Pending'
- This means that the supplier has not yet saved their registration
- After registration, this is the unique Registration ID for the perspective supplier
- You can use the Registration ID if you need to contact the vendor help desk for assistance
Company Name
- When the registration is pending, this will be the Company Name entered on the invitation
- After there is a Registration ID, this will be the Company Name that the supplier entered on their registration
Request Type
- Currently 'Register New Suppliers' is being used
- In the future, this may be used for modifying existing suppliers
Supplier SetID
- Currently only SetID 10000 is being used
Supplier ID
- The Supplier ID is a unique number assigned to the supplier after the suppler has been approved
- If the Supplier ID is blank, it means the supplier registration has not yet been approved
Contact Name
- When the status is 'Pending', this is the contact to whom the invitation was sent
- After the supplier has registered, this is the primary contact entered by the supplier on their registration
Approval Status
- Blank
- An invitation has been sent, but the registration has not yet been submitted
- Draft
- The supplier has started the registration process and it has been saved for later
- Pending Approval
- The supplier has completed the registration process and has submitted it to the Vendoring Team for approval
- Request More Information
- The Vendoring Team has contacted the supplier for additional information needed to approve and complete the supplier creation
- Rejected
- The Vendoring Team has denied the supplier and the supplier will not be available for purchasing
- Approved
- The Vendoring Team has approved the supplier registration
- There may be a short delay before the supplier is sent to Bear Buy
- Created
- Prior to the registration, this will be the date and time that the invitation was sent
- This information is also available by clicking the 'Envelope' button on the invitation itself
- After registration, this is the date and time that the registration was created, either by using 'Save for Later' or 'Submitting for Approval'
Notification Emails
There are multiple instances when emails will be sent by the system. These are generally sent by an email address called Do_Not_Reply@Berkeley.edu. No one is monitoring this email address and it is only used as a sender email address.
Invitation Email
Each Supplier Request Template ID has its own format and has an Access Code specific to the Template. The Supplier will enter the Access Code to begin the registration process.
The Subject line of the email will very depending upon the type of registration:
- Domestic: UC Berkeley - Domestic Supplier Registration Invitation
- Foreign: UC Berkeley - Foreign Supplier Registration Invitation
- Refund: UC Berkeley - Refund Supplier Registration Invitation
- Stipend or Honorarium: UC Berkeley - Stipend or Honorarium Supplier Registration Invitation
- Human Subject: UC Berkeley - Human Subject Supplier Registration Invitation
Please use the link and access credentials below to self-register on our website.
- Access Code: ____
- Expiration Date: ____
Please use the link below to access detailed instructions and help guide.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Save for Later Email
This email will be sent when the supplier contact saves their registration to return to it at a later time to complete.
UC Berkeley Supplier Registration Save for Later Confirmation
Thank you for your interest in registering with the University of California, Berkeley.
This email is to inform you that your in-process registration request has been successfully saved.
To resume your registration application, click on the URL in your invitation email and enter the following information:
- Registration ID: ____
- Email ID: ____
- Password: ____
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Submit for Approval Email
This email will be sent when the supplier completes and submits their registration for approval.
UC Berkeley - Your Registration Request has been submitted for approval
Your registration request, Registration ID ____ has been submitted for approval.
You will be notified at this email address of any changes in your registration status.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Supplier Approved Email
This email will be sent when the Vendoring Team has approved the supplier and the set up process is complete.
UC Berkeley - Supplier Registration approved
Welcome new UC Berkeley Supplier,
Your Registration ID ____ has been approved and you are now a UC Berkeley Supplier.
- Supplier Name: ____
- Supplier ID: ____
Invoicing and Payment Process
For important information about the invoicing and payment process, please visit:
- Helpful Hints for our Vendors
- Electronic Invoice Submission
- Receiving Payments via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- Payment Plus - Single Use Credit Card Program
We assign vendor payment terms based upon invoice submission method and payment method.
Intellectual Property
If you plan on using UC Berkeley's Name, Logo, Trademarks, and/or other Intellectual Property on products, you must first become an Authorized Licensee. For more information about the licensing process, please email cal_licensing@berkeley.edu.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Supplier Denied Email
This email will be sent in the unlikely event that a supplier is denied.
UC Berkeley - Denial of your Supplier Registration Request
We regret to inform you that after review of your recent Registration Request ID ____, we have found that you do not meet our criteria for acceptance at this time.
- Reason Code: ____
- Comments: ____
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Request for Additional Information Email
This email is sent during the approval process if the Vendoring Team requires any additional information from the supplier. The email is automated, but the comment is personalized by the Vendoring Team. The supplier contact would be expected to sign in to their registration, update the required information, and re-submit the registration.
UC Berkeley Supplier Registration - Request for additional information
Thank you for your interest in registering with the University of California, Berkeley.
Additional information is required from you so that we may complete the process.
- Reason Code: ____
- Comments: ____
To respond to this request, please click the link provided in the original invitation email, choose 'Continue from where you left' and enter the required information.
You will need the following:
- Registration ID: ____
- Legal Entity Registration Number: (specified during registration request)
- Email ID: ____
- Password: (specified during registration request)
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Forgot Password Email
This email will be sent if the supplier contact needs to sign in to the system and has forgotten their password. This would happen in the 'Save for Later' or 'Request for Additional Information' situations.
UC Berkeley Supplier Registration access for Request ID ____
Thank you for your interest in registering with UC Berkeley.
You are receiving this email in response to a forgotten password request.
If you did not request your password, please contact us.
- Your password is: ____
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.
Forgot Registration ID Email
This email will be sent if the supplier contact needs to sign in to the system and has forgotten their Registration ID. This would happen in the 'Save for Later' or 'Request for Additional Information' situations.
UC Berkeley - Registration ID
Your Registration ID is: ____
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at vendoring@berkeley.edu. Please be sure to include your Registration ID when emailing.