
Academic and Non-Academic Semiannual Reporting PeriodAdjustment PeriodERS AvailabilityERS Certification Deadline
1st Semiannual Period (January 1 to June 30) July to August September 1 October 28
2nd Semiannual Period (July 1 to December 31) January to February March 1 April 30

If you have any questions about ERS business processes or the reporting schedule, please contact the Contracts and Grants Accounting help desk at 510 643 4246 or

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Follow Up Process on Past Due Effort Reports

Our campus is committed to ensuring that effort reports made in connection with federally sponsored projects are accurate, timely, reflect the actual level of effort expended, and comply with all agency requirements.

It is important that departments follow up with the PIs and other Certifiers to ensure that any past due effort reports are certified as soon as possible. It is each department’s responsibility to ensure that a business process has been established appropriately to certify semiannual effort reports on a timely basis.

Effort reports that are outstanding at the certification deadline may result in salary and related costs being disallowed by the funding federal agency. CGA will provide the following notifications to PIs, departments, and executive managers, of effort reports that are out of compliance with federal timeliness regulations:

5 Days Past Due

An E-mail notification will be sent to the PI listing all outstanding open effort reports for their awards, with a link to ERS and a request to certify reports as soon as possible.

20 Days Past Due

An E-mail notification will be sent to the Chair or ORU Director, with a copy to the CAO/Department Manager and Control Unit financial representative, listing all PIs with outstanding effort reports in their college, school, department, or ORU.

The Chair or ORU Director will contact the PI regarding federal requirement for timely report certification, and requests commitment for completion.

30 Days Past Due

An E-mail notification will be sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and Vice Chancellor, with a copy to the Chief Financial Officer and Controller, listing PIs with outstanding effort reports.

Vice Chancellor/Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will contact the PI to obtain commitment for completion and gain understanding from the PI why the certification could not have been completed within the normal certification period.