Organizational Chart

Michael Riley

Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller

Separator line

Dan Parnas

Director, Accounts Payable and Travel

Jeff Kent

Accounts Payable Manager

Kelly Boyette

Accounts Payable Manager

Separator line

Accounts Receivable and Banking Services

Accounts Receivable and Banking Services Organizational Chart

Kirsten Wechling

Director, Accounts Receivable and Banking Services

Nicole Delhomme

Accounts Receivable Manager

Nominique Chico

Cash Handling and Banking Services Manager

Separator line

Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA)

Contracts and Grants Accounting Organizational Chart

Beata Najman

Director, Contracts and Grants Accounting

Katie Hudson

Contracts and Grants Manager

Lynne Coulson

Contracts and Grants Manager

Michelle Teoh

Accounting and Financial Analysis Manager

Natalia Lau

Financial Accounting Manager

Separator line

Financial Accounting and Controls (FAC)

Financial Accounting and Controls Organizational Chart

Natalie Garkusha

Director, Financial Accounting and Controls

Ariana Lightner

Accounting Manager

Sandra Carnero

Accounting Manager

Sonali Wickramasinghe

Accounting Manager

Yohei Azuma

Accounting Manager

Separator line

Financial Information Systems (FIS)

Financial Information Systems Organizational Chart

Tracy Okamura

Director, Financial Information Systems

Anoop Hirdani

Financial Information Systems Manager

Gopi Margam

Financial Information Systems Manager

Separator line

Crystal Parkinson

Director, Payroll Policy and Controls

Jerri Rausse

Payroll and Tax Compliance Supervisor

Kristina Ruiz

Theron Ginn