Membership Programs


The university enters into multi-sponsor agreements where participating members sponsor a research program. These members share in the results of the research performed by the university under the terms of the program. Such programs include BSAC and CBE. The members often subscribe on an annual basis and their membership is based on continuing to be in good standing, having paid all dues owed. CGA will set up a Master Award/Project and a Master Fund in BFS for the research membership program.

The department administering the program can only charge expenses to the master fund of the award/project. Due to the number of members involved and the risk associated with non-payment, budgeted funds available in the master fund are only appropriated on a cash basis, i.e. funds will only be appropriated to the master fund when payments are received from individual members.

Soliciting Members and Pre-award Process

  • The PI or Program Director will solicit members to join the program
  • The PI and SPO will negotiate the terms of the contract with potential members
  • The SPO approved contract will be forwarded to the department
  • The department will request the first installment of membership payment upfront
  • Participating members (sponsors) will sign the contract, enclose payment, and submit the contract and payment to the department
  • The department will forward all documents and payment to SPO

Master Award/Project and Fund Setup

On receipt of an award document from SPO, CGA sets up a Master Award/Project with a master fund to record expenditures for the program.

Budget appropriations will only be made to the master fund when payments are received from a sponsor. All research expenses will be recorded in the master fund. The Master Award/Project will remain open for the life of the program.

Individual Sponsor (Member's) Contract Setup

  • When a Phoebe Award Summary for an individual membership is received from SPO, CGA will set up an individual sponsor (member's) contract
  • Individual sponsors will be linked to the Master Award by the Project ID
  • Each member's project will be set up for the full period of the award as defined by SPO
  • The individual sponsor funds will be closed as the sponsors retire from membership

Member's Award Modifications

Sponsors may need to amend their contract, and usually, this information is received by the department. Sponsors may want to change the terms of the membership (for example: membership cancellation, changes in contract period, and changes in invoicing terms).

Any changes of this nature, if received by the department, should be forwarded to SPO to create an Award Modification (Mod). This approved Mod will then be forwarded to CGA to make the necessary changes in BFS.

Award Termination

Membership will terminate normally upon the final expiration date of the award. It can also be extended for additional years if the sponsor pays for another year, and executes a document that contractually binds the parties for another year. The department forwards the request of extension to SPO and CGA. CGA will hold off closing the contract while waiting for an amendment from SPO. This pertains only to the individual center contracts or memberships, not the Master Award/Project.

Invoicing Members

In accordance with the invoicing and payment terms of the signed contract, CGA will prepare invoices for each sponsor. For contracts with scheduled payments, CGA will submit an invoice as a reminder that a payment is due.

Accounts Receivable/Collections

CGA will provide the department with a detailed report on outstanding invoices.

For departments administering the collections process themselves, an accounts receivable (AR) file with outstanding receivables will be sent to the department MSO monthly. The department will make annotations of their collection activities and return the AR file to CGA.

If a sponsor defaults on a payment, CGA will notifiy the PI, the department, and SPO. Invoice cancellations and write-offs are made in the sponsor contract if appropriate.