Organization Tree Reports

Org Tree Lookup Tool

The Org Tree Lookup Tool provides data that is current as of the prior day so that you can:

  • Identify the DeptIDs assigned to your division
  • See the rollup of DeptIDs to the Department and Division and all other levels of the org tree
  • Find DeptIDs that are available for your division to use
  • Determine whether a DeptID is loaded to CalPlanning
  • Find the replacement DeptID to use for a DeptID that is slated for inactivation


Using the Org Tree Lookup Tool provides guidance on how to search and then work with the search results.


Please email for questions on the Org Tree Lookup Tool, or visit the DFL Knowledge and Resource Portal Tools and Job Aids section for more information.

Changes to the Org Tree

Please refer to the Organizational Tree page on the CFO website for more information.